Monday, April 16, 2007

Are You Being Served?

I recently acquired a sissy maid and am really looking forward to her start date. I can't wait to see her don the uniform!

While I am a diva, I am not a Domestic Goddess. Sure, I am a hell of a cook, I can sew and can plan the perfect dinner party, but My cleaning will never get me into Good Housekeeping. Perhaps to be more precise, the house isn't dirty, just very cluttered and disorganized.

Being a sissy maid is serious business. To bring someone into my home, it couldn't be about being "fantasy" maid. To serve Me personally it takes a serious dedication. Do you think you have what it takes? Take the test and find out!

PS - Who caught the title reference?

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Where is My spring weather?

Okay, where is spring and My warm weather. Mother Nature is not cooperating and may even to be conspiring against me in order to force my toes back into hiding. So, in a defiant mood today, I treated myself to a "Master" pedicure and had them paint my toes red! If you're a fan, have read my blog or viewed my website you probably know that I am totally loyal to french manicures and matching pedicures. That's right, despite desperate pleas from my foot fans, I never do red. Well, never say never.

While science may disagree, I believe the spring "toe" obsession is virtually hard coded on the female DNA. Along with a new Easter bonnet, every young girl looked forward to a new pair of shoes to complete that special Easter ensemble. You can bet the farm, with absolute certainty, that from the time I was old enough to have ANY input in the matter, I opted for any style shoe that set my toes free.

The shoe pictured here, is the one I'll be sporting this Sunday. These BCBGirls "Lacey" Slingbacks were a gift - a gift that causes the warm fuzzys every time I see them. The clean line of a the sling back is sexy and sophisticated; a timeless classic. These beauties were the inspiration for my red polish rebellion.

So Sunday, no matter how cold, I'll be in my Easter Bonnet and my red toes will be on display!!

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Corporate Dominatrix

The Daily News had an interesting article in it's lifestyle section. It's worth the read, even if part of their premise is a bit off. I agree with the aurthor in that the skills that made me successful in the corporate world are the same skills that make me a good Domme, or perhaps vice versa. However, I take exception with an assumption made early on in the article. I don't "switch" to being "submissive", I just know which battles are worth fighting!

Take the test. I did and no surprise, my score fell in the Highly Dominant area (If you got a score of 25 or more, you're a highly dominant - an Amazon or a Queen) but was not so high that I qualify as "Queen Bitch".


Blog Notes

Just a quick point of clarification on the general usage of the comment section of a blog. The comment section of a blog is a place to publicly voice your opinions. I value that input and post the ones that are appropriate for public reading.

Lately I have been getting notes that are better directed to Me via email. I moderate all comments, thus the general public won't see comments until I approve the content. Comments are generally anonymous , and leave Me no way to contact you privately, leaving your comment unanswered. I will not carry on dialogues in a public forum that are best handled via email. I enjoy reading your comments and hope to continue to receive them via the comment area or by email.

Please note, all session and possible session questions and or requests are not appropriate material for the comment area. My email address is


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Springtime Soiree - A Foot Forward for Charity

A Public Service Announcement

April 19th, 2007
8pm - 1am

Soho area (address given upon ticket purchase)

Reservations required.
RSVP 212-889-1591

Donation: $50
All proceeds go to the MS Prison Project & NYC Sub Club

Dress Code:
Victorian, Pin-up, Silent Film Star, Old Hollywood,
Geisha, 1940s Military, Louis XIV, or other Sophisticated Fabulousness.
And lots of spring sandals to showcase scrumptious toes!


Spring Tease

Warm weather elicits difference responses from people; few are immune to it's pull. For me the return of the warm weather means my toes will be freed from the bonds of shoes. As soon as the firm glimps of warmth appeared, I went shoe shopping. New summer sandals. Pretty jeweled thongs. Perhaps I'll try some of the new wedge heels in a summer staw. Either way, it means even more frequent pedicures.

As if My shoe fetish needed further fuel, a series of TV commericals have caught my attnetion. Try this one if you love the look of women in heels! The one from Macy's that I've seen on TV is also great but I can't find it on line.

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