The Good Old Days are Gone

While this image may be delightful, it's quite plain that if the courts have their way, these types of images won't be part of future pop-culture: today's children won't have the frame of reference.
If you follow spanking in the news, you've no doubt noticed that there's been a push to make spankings illegal in several states. We're not talking about severe beatings which are clearly abusive, we talking about the entire act!
Without getting into the amount of wasted time, energy and money by government officials and the groups pushing for these laws, Echo Online, has made some very interesting observations about our changing times.
For so many of us, the thought of being taken over a parent's knee for discipline was often enough to make us think again about getting into trouble. I know my parents felt that reasoning with us kids was always best AFTER the spanking! I don't think what they had to say would have been as well received if they skipped the part that ensured my attention. Don't get me wrong, spankings don't eliminate the need to talk to kids about whatever they did or didn't do. And based on the behavior I see in most kids today, lectures don't eliminate the need for the spankings; by themselves lectures simple don't work. Spare the rod, spoil a generation!
Read the article and give me your opinion.
Labels: In The News, Spanking
People have an excessive fear of the pain of ordinary life nowadays. That is why so much behavior is medicalized.
I don't think it much matters if spanking is used or not. Usually what most parents lack is consistency in discipline.
I've often wondered what my poor daddy would've thought if he'd been able to know that a spanking he gave me about age eight would be an experience I would come to crave to re-experience as an adult.
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