Thursday, December 14, 2006

Orlando in the News Again

No not Orlando, Florida, but Janet Orlando. Remember her? She has had more than her 15 minutes! She gets spanked at work, sues and wins 1.7 M (she gets $800,000 of that) She then does the whirlwind talk show tour. Then, after an appeal, she agrees to settle the case for 1.4 Million. And then, before you can turn around, she's in the news again as she's caught shop lifting - for the THIRD time in the past three years. She pleads no contest to the charges, as she had done before. Now she's suing her former company once again because she hasn't seen the settlement money. She wants her 1.4 million plus interest PLUS another 4.2 million in punitive damages.

Maybe it's me, but.... she got spanked because she had poor performance as a salesperson and now is getting rewarded for a job poorly done! She has a history of theft and prescription drug abuse and yet this is the person that Fresno City College invites to be a guest lecturer. Is this really the person we want addressing our country's future leaders?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, Ma'am! I believe that the college administrators need a couple of dark red spots apiece, and to shed a few sincere tears!

12/16/2006 7:16 AM  

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